FirstSim VR

Develop and evaluate VR training simulations for first responders

2018 - 2020

UX Testing / User Testing / Design


NextGen Interactions received a grant from the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) to evaluate consumer VR systems for use with first responder training and create training simulations that reinforce skills more effectively than conventional training.

Our focus was creating simulations for dangerous real-world scenarios to create training thats as accurate as possible to what first responders will face in the field.


Jerald, J., Haskins, J., Eadara, S., Gainer, S., Zhu., B., Huse, W. (2020). ​Utilizing Physical Props to Simulate Equipment in Immersive Environments. The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC). Paper.  Video presentation.

Gainer, S., Eadara, Haskins, J., Huse, W., Zhu, B., Boyd, B., Laird, C., Farantatos, J, Jerald, J. (2020). A Customized Input Device for Simulating the Detection of Hazardous Materials. In 2020 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference Workshop on Novel Input Devices and Interaction Techniques (NIDIT) (pp. 7-12).   Paper.  Video Presentation.

Haskins, J., Zhu, B., Gainer, S., Huse, W., Eadara, S., Boyd, B., Laird, C., Farantatos, J., Jerald, J. (2020). Exploring VR Training for First Responders. In 2020 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference Workshop on XR Training (pp. 57-62).   Paper.  Video presentation.

Suhail, M., Gainer, S., Haskins, J., Boyd, B., Laird, C., Huse, W., Seadara, S., & Jerald, J. (2019). Simulating a Futuristic Fire Pump Panel in Virtual Reality. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (pp. 1415-1416).   Paper


Our main area of focus for this project was integrating passive haptics into training simulations, allowing trainees to reach out and interact with physical representations of the real world rather than digital abstractions.

We developed a variety of devices and interfaces that grounded the experience and allowed trainees to confidently move through VR training scenarios with a greater sense of presence as opposed to controller based training.

I played a key role in ensuring the tracking and interface input integrated with our projects and user tested our military-grade LBVR setups!